A 2022 Guide for Selling Used Books on AMZ


Learning how you can resell books on Amazon is similar to any other online business. It can be a hard task for beginners but the good thing is that it pays if you are patient. It’s possible to earn good money after starting to sell used books on AMZ within no time.

You don’t require a lot of money when you are starting to sell used books on Amazon. Many people find it hard to risk the little they have to begin selling books on AMZ, but if you have the patience, you can easily turn the venture into a full-time career.

You can try by selling the books that you don’t need or read often; if you are an avid reader, it’s highly likely that you’ll be having several books that you’ve read in the past. Try using these books first to see if you can get clients before using money to purchase them from other sources. Remember that people will prefer reading to read different kind of books; it’s important to have a wide array of selection to ensure that you don’t lose clients. You can try to Amazon sell used books to earn some extra income.

Where can you Find Used Books to Sell on Amazon?

Before starting to resell books on AMZ, you need to have enough inventories to sell.  You must ask yourself where you’ll find the used books that you’ll be selling.  There are many places you can find used books to sell on Amazon, including:

1.Book Sale

Book sales are easily accessible if you are interested in selling used books. All you need to do is to type in “nearby book for sale” and search from Google to fine any potential sources for used books.

2. Libraries

Another way to get books that you can sell on Amazon  is by looking for them from libraries; there are many instances where libraries sell used books that are in good condition. Looking for contacts with the local librarian or library who can give you access to used books becomes helpful if you are starting to sell books on Amazon. You can easily find the locations of your local libraries by visiting various social media pages.

3. Garage Sale

It’s common to see announcements of garage sales from time to time. It’s a fact that this is one of the cheapest places you can find used books at a fair price and resell them on Amazon. You can try and Google for garage sales to find out if there are any ongoing sales nearby.

4. Wholesale

There are several places where people sell the books that they no longer need. Some of these sites include;

  • Facebook Groups
  • Craigslist
  • eBay


If you want to find the most profitable and winning books on Amazon, you can access the information by looking at the most sought after books using the Keyword Tool.  You can also visit Zonbase.com to get additional information regarding the same.  With just one click, you are allowed to check the competitors’ pricing or listing and decide whether your business will be profitable or not.